Saturday, August 2, 2008

Something To Think About

I "pnuema'd" ( version of Greek for spirited) into town for the day to meet with Pastor Glenn concerning a few issues with Grace Words and what's going on in the world of Christianity these days.

It couldn't have been much better than to be going over some things when someone in the room began switching the TV channels, and what comes on? No, not some TV Evangelist. Close. QVC. What was interesting is that they were selling a product of which there were hundreds of styles and colors, and the hostess blurted out, "My daughter wants this one in Pink and I am just praying, to the HOLY SPIRIT, that it will be available after the presentation so I can get her one."

New-Church Speak, most likely learned from these new "Big Box" Churches. First off, do we realize how ridiculous it is for someone on TV hawking a product, someone working for the company too boot, to say such an adolescent thing? We should not be thinking such things, let alone saying them. This is pure and simple immaturity upon the part of the Church that is instructing people to do this.

Having said that, Pastor Glenn, in the Daily Encouragements, has very little time to get into detail concerning nearly every issue that is brought up. This is due to the fact that the studies need to be "pithy"; short and to the point. Since we are meeting, he thought it a good idea to take on a few subjects and clarify them with some detail. These too, shall be brief, as I don't want to bore, but needed information is a help in our daily Life.

First off Confession: There are only two teachings on confession in the entirety of the New Testament. One is in James. There it says we should "confess one to another for wrongs we may have done". One to another. That simplified is this. We do something to offend a brother or sister, tell them you recognize that and apologize. That goes much further that telling God or someone that knows not the situation, and that being done in private. Very straightforward teaching, this.

Next, in 1 John 1:9 confession is brought up. John is speaking to people who do not believe in God. He is telling them that if they confess that sin, they will be forgiven, and presumably a confession following a realization that they have been mistaken, will become "children of God". Then John quickly switches gears and begins to speak to those that are believers already. There is a good deal of confusion concerning this text from the Traditional Church teachings through many years, but it is only confusion, not the reality of truth. In simple terms then, no confession, because as we will see next, there is no Law.

Next "The Ten Commandments or The Law". Seems we cannot get it into our heads what the Law was all about. It was given to the Jews when they had just barely gotten out of the hands of the Egyptians, where they were in captivity for four hundred years. The Jews really weren't very Jewish, they were pretty much Egyptians, and God being Spirit, had to get their heads out of idol worship, and get them focusing on the Spiritual aspect of their nature. Thus the Ten Commandments. Recall it starts out with: "I AM" the Lord Thy God, You Shall Have No False Gods Before Me? Idol worship was the Egyptian way, and the Jews only new that way. They needed to become a stable, large group of people, which the Egyptians allowed for in the captivity, but when the time was right, God took them out of Egypt, and as a start, after conversing with Moses, He gave them the Ten Commandments.

The Jews over time, turned those ten into 631 commandments. Unbelievably religious. Jesus came and told them how inane was their thinking and actions, and that He was going "not to destroy the Law, for not one part of it would be destroyed until it was fulfilled, which I will do." A play on words. We have a good start if we understand that the Ten Commandments are good. No one who loves his brother or sister will, for example, be jealous of them, steal from them, kill them, and so on. Love is the back drop of the ordinance. Not the obeying itself. So we respect the Law, be we are not judged under it. The only sin that is applicable today, is the sin of not believing that God has, in Christ Jesus, provided for our ability to become children of God.

Next: If you don't believe in Jesus, you are going to Hell! Are we God? Do we make the various agreements with mankind as God has? Agreements such as 1) Don't eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil or you will die, 2) Abraham trust me, 3) Moses lead my people to the promised land, 4) Obey my Laws, 6) Build My Temple, 5) Trust My Son. Who of us knows all of them, or what may be coming from God next? None, if I may be so bold. Paul, in the Book of Romans, and other writings, spells out quite clearly that God judges the heart, that it is His final decision, and that we don't have a clue about where the Spirit may be. Our job is to NEVER judge those in the world, for that is God's job. Our job is to judge those that claim to be of the Family of God, and whether or not they are teaching the Love of God, Christ Jesus, or some other Gospel. God will deal with the rest. And the God of Love, compassion, extreme patience, and unending willingness on the part of mankind, will see to those with a Love we don't understand. The children, the un-churched, the unreached, and so on. Judge yourself correctly, and if it were possible, you will be able to judge others. Do you believe in God's Provision? Good, count yourself Blessed and be happy! All right out of the New Testament my brothers and sisters.

Next, "Be An Evangelist." First off, Paul was saying to one specific person to "do the work of an Evangelist. Secondly, Jesus told the Apostles to do similarly. But Paul expanded the thought to a larger point. NOT everyone has the same gifts. Some can teach, some can preach, some can do this or that. Each part of the body has a reason to exist and is important. Evangelism is just one. The constant pounding of all going out and witnessing is not only creating guilt and a rift among many brothers and sisters(I know a brother that left his wife and children to go and "evangelize") it is also only part of the many gifts we have. Many of us do not have the gift, yet the Traditional, especially Evangelical, Churches pound this point as much as the un-Scriptural New Covenant tithing teaching. Take a breath, and do what the Lord lays on your heart, and at the time He opens the door to do so. Listen not to such dogged pragmatism.

One last issue for today: God and Politics. It has become quite fashionable to use God in every way when it comes to running for office in the government. Jesus has a chance to comment on government, and He did. He said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God that which is God's. Some may be given a Spirit of leading and teaching within a certain ministry, but there is no suggestion anywhere in the writings that Christianity should become a political movement. God will get His Will done in His power, not ours. The rhetoric today from many so-called Christian Politicians and Ministry Leaders is so far out of God's thinking, that our first reaction should be that we would hope they would quietly go about the work the Lord is providing, and leave the door opening to God.

Of course there are many more issues we could discuss, but we will do that in another commentary. For the moment, think like a grown up. God is not a vending machine. He doesn't do this, that or the other just because we think, pray, say, sacrifice, follow, or do something we believe will get us special attention. Want special attention? Talk to Him as often as you can, about everything you can, and allow His thinking to become your thinking. Then it will all come into focus, your needs, wants, desires, and requireds. Peace. As Pastor Glenn is found of saying, "Life is Grace!"

Dr. Lamby